1 review
{{badges.agent_first_name}} has helped clients buy or sell in {{badges.location}}
{{badges.agent_first_name}}'s price range of homesales transactions
{{badges.agent_first_name}}'s {{badges.agent_years_of_experience_adj}} real estate experience
{{badges.agent_first_name}} is considered a pro based on {{badges.homeselling_pro_review_count}} seller reviews
{{badges.agent_first_name}} is considered a pro based on {{badges.homebuying_pro_review_count}} buyer reviews
{{badges.negotiation_guru_count}} rank {{badges.agent_first_name}} for negotiation skills
{{badges.agent_first_name}} typically responds in 30 minutes
{{badges.knowledge_expert_count}} recognize {{badges.agent_first_name}} as a local expert
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As A Florida native, working in the legal field as a court reporter for over 30 years prepared me well for my Real Estate career and the finite attention to detail that I feel is required daily. I am blessed to love what I do and the clients I've worked with! In addition to extensive knowledge of the local market, I bring truly exceptional negotiation and customer service skills, a quality of service that is not to be beat anywhere, PLUS The Golden Group offers extra services including staging, free inspections, and as a bonus we also provide FREE LABOR to our clients to spruce up their home, whether buying or selling. Let's Talk!