How Real Estate Agents Should Prepare For Client Meetings

Fivewalls: How To Prepare For Client Meetings As A Real Estate Agent

Real Estate Agents
Last Updated: Sep 15, 2020

Developing a trusting relationship with your client before you begin your real estate journey together is key to understanding their goals, how you can help them, and how you will communicate moving forward.   Apply to become a Fivewalls Partner Real Estate Agent and see how our program helps real estate agents make a better first impression on home buyers and sellers.

First Impressions Matter

First impressions, especially as a business professional, are very important. Clients and customers, upon meeting you, should have a positive experience right off the bat.  Come to your meeting well-prepared, dressed professionally, tidy hair, and with a friendly smile on your face to create a comfortable and welcoming environment. Keep the accessories to a minimum too, like how much jewellery you are wearing. Also, make sure you are sitting in a position that makes you look professional. No slouching!

Show Up On Time

real estate agent client meetings, how to prepare for client meetings, client meetings, real estate agent, preparing for a client meetingShow up on time or before the time set so you can greet your clients. Stand up as your clients arrive to give them a firm and proper handshake.

The Meeting Place

Try to choose a location that is convenient for your clients. If the weather is nice, sit outside at a quiet café. Try to avoid busy or loud restaurants or streets. Check if the menu has various options whether it be drinks, vegetarian food, vegan options, etc. Make sure you are setting your meetings with a decent time apart so your clients never feel rushed.

Get To Know Your Clients

You are not just going to be their agent, you are going to be their friend and trusted advisor. Develop common grounds like your favourite sports team or mutual friends. This could potentially make them more comfortable with you.

Pay attention to everything they are saying, take notes, and make sure your full attention is on them.

Speaking Freely

Always let your clients know they can tell you or ask you anything. Nothing is off the table. Let them know they should be more than comfortable coming to you for help, especially if they are first-time buyers and need more guidance.

Also, make sure to clearly explain your services and why you are a good agent for them. Sell your strengths!

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Before you even meet your clients, send them a friendly email a day or two before your meeting to let them know you are looking forward to it and remind them of the date and location.

After your client meeting, send them another email (or text if they prefer) to thank them for their time and for meeting with you and highlight all the important details you went over. Let them know you are looking forward to working with them and will stay in touch. Show them you are dedicated as their agent and appreciate their business and time.


"To give real service, you must add something which cannot be bought or measured with money, and that is sincerity and integrity." - Douglas Adams

Fivewalls can help you connect with home buyers and sellers outside of your social circles.  We create profiles for real estate agents and help them market their personal brand.  Click here to apply to become a Fivewalls Partner Real Estate Agent and see what our program can do for you.


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